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Open Space Commission Minutes 05/11/2012

Friday, May 11 , 2012.

  • Call to order/welcome:
Chairperson Diana Atwood Johnson, called to order the meeting at 8.39am.
Members Attending: Diana Atwood Johnson, George James, Peter Cable, and Ted Kiritsis.

Absent: Marianne Gotfredson, Bruce Baratz, Kurt Zemba, Bill Dunbar, Amanda Blair and Evan Griswold.

Guests: Ted Crosby (Trail book presentation) and Mike Kiernan (from the Land Trust committee) and First Selectman Bonnie Reemsnyder.

  • Voting Alternates:
No alternates available.

  • Approval of minutes:
Approval of minutes were postponed until Junes meeting due to no quorum available.

  • Old Business: Trail Maps/Book-Presentation by guest Ted Crosby.
Ted Crosby gave a presentation to the commission demonstrating the tools currently available to the OSC to produce maps and trail books. Detailed explanations of various computer programs were given, with examples displayed on a projector screen. Ted Crosby answered questions from members, gave examples of various formats available for downloading information, and demonstrated how it is possible to customize and
amend the current trails in these programs. The aim is to supply the most user friendly program and formats on the towns website to benefit of the public. The commission have yet to decide which programs and formats will be used on the towns web site. Ted Crosby will provide the OSC commission members with all they need to access these programs, and assist in keeping the OSC members up to date with progress as it happens. Eventually, Ted Crosby intends to pass the technical aspect of this project to Ruth Roach ( OL Town Staff Member ).  

Peter Cable spoke to the commission about new trail book plans that will be more cost effective than previous plans. Peter Cable provided a hand out to the commission stating new goals and implementations, tasks and schedules to develop new maps trails and descriptions. The commission discussed this in detail and concluded that Peter had produced a realistic time scale for completion of this project in 2013. The commission further discussed how maps and trails information could be significantly improved in due course. The commission members agree to assist Peter in collecting the appropriate data in the time scale provided. Further decisions will need to be made nearer the time regarding the detail that will go into the final trail maps. It was agreed that at the next meeting Peter will have determined the properties to map and assigned people from OLSC, OLLT and OLCC to map specific trails.

5. New Business:

The commission went into Executive Session

6. Other Old Business:

Signage Project: Diana Atwood Johnson informed the commission that the signage project is going to plan.

Earth Day Report: Diana Atwood Johnson thanked Kurt Zemba and praised the Earth Day event that took place in OL and reported that many people had been in contact with her about birds in the local area since meeting OSC members at the OSC stall. Diana also reminded everyone about the bird walk scheduled for Saturday morning with the Old Lyme Land Trust to celebrate International Migratory Bird Day.

Ames Family Preserve Dedication: Diana Atwood Johnson stated there was nothing more to report on this subject.

7. Reports of officers and/or committees: None

8. Correspondence and communications: None


Diana Atwood Johnson motioned to adjourn the meeting, all agreed. Meeting was adjourned at 10.30am.

Respectfully submitted

Stacey Pamplin